Sunday, October 14, 2007

What a week

What a crazy couple weeks! (Most of this is for my online journal.. kind of my play by play!!)

While Auburn & Bryan went to JAMAICA, we all watched their kids.
First night, we played a funny game: IMAGINE IF..
(Our family is obsessed with making sure on being extra ugly for the cameras!)
Ellie had to match ROXY every single day.. with outfits, p.j.'s, hair, WHATEVER.
She loved asking "What is Roxy going to wear?"

I stole the pack-n-play & had Roxy spend the night with us every night (except the very last night).
Ahh, she is the sweetest little woman ever.

I loved every second of it!!
Lance & I were AMAZED that she WANTED her crib & would sleep in it the whole night, until 9 am!! (Yeah, our blog title is true) I took about a million pictures of her sleeping, cause I couldn't help it.. here is one of my favorites! :

(She had to have her blankee and baby! Ahh, she's so cute. I really wish she was mine!)

On Saturday the 6th, I helped out my g-ma Riggs. My g-ma has this really expensive baby that will move her head & cry. The 2 girls loved playing MAMMA with her.

(That night we took our kids to Harmony Park during Priesthood Session with some of Shalae's Sister in-laws & saw a bunch of people..the weather was to die for! That night we went to PF Changs with the Cummard couples that could make it, since Sarah & Lee were down. What a fun night.)

On Monday & Wednesday we hung out with the Grover girls & kiddos.

(Monday afternoon we went to Harmony Park with Tiffy & her kids, Jenny, Alisse, my mom, Shalae & all our pictures. It was too hot for some reason.)

That night for FHE our family went to Country Side park and had tons-o-fun!!

Roxy was so cute in her PIG TAILS!! She let me do her "DO" every day.

What a good cute uncle, huh!

I think Poppie had the most fun playing and watching his grandkids have a good time.

Wednesday we met Tiffy and Missy and all their cute kids at the TRAIN PARK in Scottsdale.. (and ran into most of the Ethington girls)

Even though it was still so hot, we had a great time. I had to copy a couple pictures from Missy's blog. Ellie & Kara were in love. They had their "DADDY" shirts on, they were holding hands when we left & Kara asked Elle "Where do you live so we can play?" They were way cute together. Auburn's kids and Missy's kids... and Noah and Preston had so much fun.
Thank goodness for that cute G-MA VICKI! What would we do with out her.

She spoils us all.
Come on ride the train.... and ride it.. who-who!
On Thursday, my cousin AMY from Utah was down ... so... why not PARTY?
A bunch of the Riggs girls & kids went to PPP to have some fun .. and that we did!
(Oops, Courtney & Beth you left too early, and those of you that couldn't make it were missed!)
Our cousins are so cute & so much fun ... when is the next GIRLS TRIP to Newport?

ON FRIDAY.... that day is just a huge BLUR!!!
We had our October party for She's Got It All.

THANKS so much for all that attended.

We missed those of you that weren't there, but we know there was so much going on. You can catch us next month. (sign up on our newsletter to get that info)

OH, and a big THANKS to my mom, sisters, and LANCE (best delivery man, helper, husband and dad.) We could not have done any of this with out you!! I love you.
(Jacquelyn it was so much fun catching up a little & hanging out with you. Sorry we took so long to close.)

Here were a few fall items... Shalae & I might post a couple items we have left.. check back soon.

Of course we had to celebrate after!!

Off to Applebee's!

Alisse not wanting to be seen....
"ONE UP" from Saturday Night Live.
I love that skit, but I hate when people play this game in real life.

My sister SHAE acting like she didn't know the camera was on her!

"I never stop smiling until the cameras are put away!!!" --Becky Palmer Butler

My super star sister in-law... Crystal, or AKA the Bubble Blower.

Sisterly Love!

Thanks She's Got It All for the extra 5 pounds I probably gained that night.

We ate like men while "watching the DB game"!

After we cleaned up from the boutique (holy cow, that was not fun) Lance & I went to the ASU GAME. (THANKS Jon & Summer) We sat really high with alot of HUSKY fans, but we still had so much fun. We saw lots of friends and family there & OH YEAH, it was a great game. Can you tell? Look at how high that player is jumping.

We tagged along in my parents car & at the very end of the game we went and sat with them. AHH man, I was fine sitting up high... but FRONT ROW with them was way fun too!!

Meet the 2 biggest ASU fans (along with some others in HP Ward & Randy Grover) They always have been! They have been known to travel many places to watch the games... including treating our family to CHRISTMAS in HAWAII in 1999, to watch my cousin Griffin play for ASU. Now that was a blast.

Check out the score behind my parents... AHH YEAH!!!


This picture was taken from a really bad angle, but any who....

We had a blast.

Thanks Lance for taking me, instead of a GUY friend.. I am glad I still feel like I am in high school dating you.

I am the luckiest!! Life is good.


the cummard family said...

Fun night at SGIA! Such cute stuff. I wasn't planning on comming-if you didn't notice my outfit, but I'm glad I was able to make it!

And yes-I think we produce 8-10 gallons each time as well...sick. Don't hate me cus I'm nursing. Lol.

kemra said...

Looks like so much fun! Sorry about the game - Dean just took off, and didn't tell me where he was going. When he got back he told me he went to see you - and I hit him for not telling me. We came over to see you during half time - but I couldn't find you. Anyway, then Emma and Cohen fell asleep -so we couldn't go anywhere. It was fun though!

MichelleY said...

Thanks for the fun "Girls Night" - too much good stuff again! You are such a good babysitter - I only did 2 days last week, and I am now retired for months! You and Lance are STILL so CUTE together - just like in High School when you used to sit together at the back table in Ms. Stapley's class :)

•stephanie• said...

i think i pretty much want to just trade lives with you. you actually have fun! and i want that silver she's got heart necklace, please and thank you. {i promise i'll pay for it!}

Cummards said...

How fun! I am so sad I missed out. My mom missed out too, my dad keeps volunteering her for activities in the Young Single Adult Ward. She loves it, but is so busy!
Dont knock on Ellie sleeping in your bed, I did it till I was wayy too old. Then after that I would go wake up my mom to come in my bed..after she layed with me while I fell asleep.

Keep it up elle!

Auburn said...

I'm glad I got to see my kids lives while I was gone. I can't believe Roxy let you do her hair, and kept a necklace on all day! When I ask her who she loves, she is still saying "Suey" as of this morning! I am trying to break her of it. By the way, you can babysitt the boys anytime you want!

Auburn said...

I'm glad I got to see my kids lives while I was gone. I can't believe Roxy let you do her hair, and kept a necklace on all day! When I ask her who she loves, she is still saying "Suey" as of this morning! I am trying to break her of it. By the way, you can babysitt the boys anytime you want!

Unknown said...

that was a fun / busy / fatty / tiring week, huh? I'm glad it's over. Please switch out the picture of me for the one that looks like Sloth's mom.

Amy said...

Looks like you have been having so much fun! And I am so sorry I did not make it to your thing on friday. I was setting up at work until 8:30. Sad face...
But, my thing went really well and I will keep handing out your cards!
Also Bunko was on wed so I didn't go walking. But, please call me this wed for sure!!!!

Jheri said...

Cutest blog ever! I love all of your fun pic.'s...I'm with Steph, you look like you have so much fun! And Elle is the cutest little girl, I just love her! So glad I've gotten to know you better by being in the ward.

The Tyler's said...

Dang, now that is a week!!
Thanks for a fun SGIA night. The pink calc could not be any cuter!
I'm sad we didn't go to the ASU game. I think everyone and their dog was there!
Could your mom get any cuter?! I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

Hey chica! I'm glad that you guys took so long to close up! Gotta get a chance to hang out with the kiddos (that includes Lance)!!! AND Dale was really excited that I bought so much stuff :) I love the carseat cover ... and Keston loves his chalkboard mat! We'll have to get together when we can hang ... nothing special! BTW, I'm totally down for MHS Homecoming, so I will totally see you there!
<3 Jack

Anonymous said...

Oh ... just wonderin how Lance got those beads at the game???

Cummards said...

P.S. i LOVE Ellies Pj's...could her body look ANY longer?! So funny.

i've played 'imagine if' with my family..isn't it so fun and funny too?!

chris+amber said...

SGIA was a blast!! I wanted to buy EVERYTHING! You & your family are always on the go. I'm sure there's never a dull moment with you guys. SO FUN!

Shelbi Whittaker said...

oh my gosh!!! I feel so stupid!!! I bet when I started to write SHE's got it all I wrote SHElbi instead. HAHA how funny!! I will mail you another check or I can give it to Shalae at church. IM so sorry!!!! my email is

Cummards said...

Blaire finds out on the 22nd what she is having, I can't wait to see what it is. I think it is a girl, but everyone else thinks its a boy. I hope its a boy, but just think its a girl.

Yeah, I think imagine if is more fun with people your age, It's just so funny to see what they pick for you (or sometimes not really that funny!)

Shalae should move up to Provo, there are plenty of singles up here! haha.

Heidi said...

It's official, you and your sister's have the cutest kids! I am glad you said something about selling cinnamon rolls at your parties, I have been meaning to talk to you about it, but things have been crazy. i would love info about the show you are going to be at on Nov. 10th. I am doing a show at Red Mtn on Nov 10th, but I want to find out about this show. $100.oo is actually a very reasonable price for a show. I'll see if I can track down your number,(shouldn't be to hard) and I"ll give you a call.

Anonymous said...

wow... looks like you've been busy! i was so bummed that i had to work the night of the boutique. next time... ellie & your niece and nephews are SO cute! go ASU!!!

Katie Peterson said... had a BUSY week & you even had time to write it all down-go SUPER MOM!

How fun that Auburn got to go to the BAHAMAS...or was it JAMICA?? I can't remeber....either way you guys are so nice to watch their kids.

The botique was fun...sorry I didn't say "hi". I saw you but you looked super was sure fun!

Julie Jan said...

Wow! You had a busy week. I love that you post everything on your bog. Your family never has a dull moment!

Missy said...

So Katie thinks our posts were similar. Great minds think alike!!! I totally think we have the same blogging style too. Long Posts ROCK! Fun week. And I loved all the stuff at the Party. When is the next one? And about the H Party...I am still not sure. I will fill you in in person about my weirdness...ask Auburn, I talked with her about it a little at the SGIA Party. When we getting Ellie & Kara together? They are soooo cute together. Next week maybe?

Summer said...

well longest and most imformative post ever ;) he-he

no family blogs yet. I will be settting one up for Lace & Soph just need to get on the ball...

Hope your boutique was a success. I hope I can come to the next one!

Kasey said...

I'm so bummed I missed it! I totally forgot about it. I love boutiques and was looking forward to it. I really have lost my marbles! Are you doing another one? Looks like you guys had a blast. Applebees is so my fav!

Alisse Baldwin said...

Did I never comment? or did you delete my comment? Either way..



Change your mind...

Yes, I loved your message and put it on speaker for the girls at work to hear. They all saw my birthday tribute to you, so they said they could tell we were sisters through our singing talent. LOL! Dad wishes!