Friday, September 7, 2007

To Be a KID Again

Every Wednesday I watch my nephew NOAH!!! (basicly my 1/2 son) I always feel like I am getting so annoyed and bugged at most of the things that they do. This is probably because I work (and play/blog on the computer), or I am doing laundry, cleaning, running around, BLAH BLAH... SO, this Wednesday I decided to put all of that aside & do something that they would love!!
FIRST: We started with HIDE & SEEK!!!
{If you have a kid/kids, or know kids around their age, you can imagine!}
I couldn't stop laughing. I have NO idea how many times we played, but it was A WHOLE LOT O FUN!!!


Cummards said...

That is so funny. I love how Noah counts "eleventeen" and how Ellie gets mad at Noah for saying where they are after she says..."I'm in the bathroom, grandma's bathhroom" and finally, "I'm in the shower!"

Auburn said...

Why do I love these two so much?

Sparks Fam said...

I love how unsneaky kids are, but they love every minute. Carter is a big fan of hide n' seek.

Anonymous said...

they are SO dang cute!!!

Jamie W. said...

I totally love that game of hide and go seek. I love it when the kids end up hiding in the same spot over and over and yelling where they are. Emma also loves to pop her head out all the time so I have to pretend I don't see her to make it more fun. I bet your just the funniest babysitter. Those two are so cute.

Melissa said...

They are so cute...Noah counting is so funny! Ellie yelling in the shower is the best...good times, good times :)

Mikelle said...

I let Hannah watch these videos w/ me & now she is crying cause she wants to watch them again, and she said "I want to go play with my friends"(meaning Noah & Ellie!). We do need to get together w/ all the kiddos sometime!

Alisse Baldwin said...

Lol lol lol!! I can't wait to show these to Scott. Elle totally does that EVERY time we play- she gives away her location! I love it, I love it, I love it! I'm Sally O'Mally, and I'm FIFTY!

Who's Good Charlie?

Why am I not asleep??