Saturday, September 1, 2007

One Reason Why I am Afraid of the Dark...

What if this huge MOTH ("MOFF", is how I pronounce it) flew in my face & I couldn't see?

The other night, as I was going into the rec room, I saw this MASSIVE, nasty MOFF on the wall. It is hard to see how big it was... but it was GIANOURMOUS and was about 6" tall!! YES, I SAID 6 INCHES!! I was so scared & ran in to Lance and Ellie. Then I called Brad & went and got my mom out of bed at about 10:15....

LANCE: "I've seen bigger at the cabin." ("That's what she said... NO time for that!" Michael Scott {Office fans})

ELLIE: "Mom, is that pretend?"

BRAD: "What??? ... Touch it."

MOM/VIC: "EWW, that looks like something you'd see in a scary movie. I thought it was a bat at first."

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