"That That Don't Kill You Can Only Make You Stronger"......
(I really do not think that he ever ran 13 miles in a row. )
I loved playing that song while I trained myself for this 1/2 marathon. But on Sunday (the day after the BIG race) I am not so sure those words are true.. I could not even walk. Not only were my muscles so sore, but my BONES hurt. If I didn't limp, I could feel my bones grinding in my right knee (the opposite knee of pain during training) & also my right hip bones!
I felt like the ground was uneven for a while on the run... and I think my bones got set in place.
... (I'm almost done complaining)....
AND when I trained myself, I never walked- I only stopped to bend my stiff/sore knees.... but on the way to the race on Saturday morning- my support {aka: Lance} said to me:
"I don't think I would ever run 13 miles even if somebody paid me 1 million dollars."....
that thought kept coming to me & I would ask myself "WHY I WAS DOING THIS?"! I had nothing to prove.That thought would slow me down... a few times I even stopped to walk for some reason. THAT WAS DUMB- oh well.
I think that it's kinda funny that I was faster when I practiced by myself. (Can you tell that I am not a competitive person! ha ha)
...... fine- enough negativity........
BUT- along the sides of the path, there would be random signs saying "You can do this" or "Keep going" & other motivating things.... THEN there were big pictures of the kids that BATTLED the fight with cancer, or still are ... and sometimes signs would say
Ahhh, fine- keep my painful feet running! It made me emotional sometimes thinking of how I was struggling when I knew that the race/pain would be over soon- and cancer or other things that kids (or adults) struggle with is nothing compared to the run.
A man that was in front of me for awhile had an inspiring shirt on that was from another run somewhere. It said on the back
"CANCER is HARD. THIS is a piece of cake."
.... maybe I should've kept running by him!!

SO, even though participating in London's 1/2 Marathon Run was one of the hardest things I have ever done (and still can not believe I did this crazy event)....
I agree!:
Cancer Is Hard.
13 Miles Was a Piece of Cake.
When we pulled up, I kept saying "this is crazy!"! My stomach hurt from how many people were there.
I always run alone & for some reason I had such a stomach ache about running with all of these people.
As you can see- I was a LONER. Which was fine with me.
Lance was waiting with the camera (& Elle) near the finish line.
As I passed him, I was listening to my finale song-
- with my {flabby} arms pumping in the air.
(I know, I know, all the neighbors are going to miss those pumping arms on Fridays after my long runs.. ha ha)
It was over.
Finally Over!!!!!
I DID IT!!!!
I could barely run a straight mile a couple years ago.
Then- little by little- I got up to running 4 miles. I was so proud.
Next thing I know, my FAVE CUZ {Krista} challenged me to run a 1/2 marathon with her & some friends in Cali. NO PROMISES... but I added a mile each Friday & got up to 13 miles!!! YAHOO. What a feeling.
I wasn't able to take that trip to Cali to run, so I had to do an actual 1/2 marathon somewhere. I am so glad that London's Run was so close to home. AND I am so glad that I got to run for such a great reason.
I have been saying "It was my first .... and probably my last..... but- when my body fully recovers- who knows..... I might want to do better that my first actual run... SOMEDAY?!
We'll see.
"Are we going to wait for mommy at the finish line & cheer her on?"
Ellie replied:
"If she makes it."
{can I get a Waa waa.. ha ha}
As my supporters waited for over 2 hours- I think they were pretty entertained.

-----and P.S. Ellie - I MADE IT.
Good thing I got a girl that must've felt bad for me, or could tell I wasn't a normal runner, or something else? wink!---- She massaged me for over a 1/2 hour!!!! Seriously. It was great.
Congrats to all the other runners!!!! WHAT A FEELING IT WAS!
I think it's one of those times when it's o.k. to toot our own horns.
and a big
Oh my goodness!! GOOD JOB SUZ!!! You are WONDERFUL and a inspiration to me!! Good work... YOU DID DO IT!!!! Love ya!!
We did it!!!
I was so excited to see you there. I wish I would have known you were doing it...but I guess I still wouldn't have seen you in the run because I was in the back...literaly. I am so dang proud of you. I want to do another one before we move...you in??
I could never do this- and I mean that. There are so many people (like me) that literally could NOT do that, and YOU DID!! You keep on tootin' that horn, girl! You deserve to!!
Way to go TIGER! That's awesome!
Go, Go Susan - - Go Go, Go Susan! This is something to be SO proud of. Something 1/3 the length of what you did is kicking my butt!! Sorry YFS couldn't be there to cheer you on at the finish line.
That is so awesome!!! There is nothing better then crossing that finish line knowing that you worked so hard. I love running, especially the high that you get right after. Perfect weather for a long run too:)
WOW!!! congrats! i feel how you did when you first started. it's hard for me to run 1 mile without stopping! i look up to all those that run, cause i do NOT like it! congrats again!!!
I'm impressed. That is such an accomplishment! Way to go!
super proud! i can't wait to run one....maybe by then you'll have done a FULL! or we can train and do it together...and convince syd and sum and crys and bear to all do it to. how fun would that be!
That is awesome. Congrats!
Congratulations!!! That's a HUGE acomplishment. Way to go!!!
good for you, you cute little thing! what a great accomplishment! you are awesome!!!
I haven't been on blogger for months...thought I would check a few...and WAY TO GO!!! I am so proud of you, that is AWESOME girl! Running is hard, but so rewarding in so many ways. That is a big accomplishment, be PROUD of yourself!!!
oh suz WOW! That's awesome! I had no idea you were doing that! Something I for sure could NEVER do. I felt great about myself after I had Casey and ran TWO WHOLE MILES! That's prob why I was skinnier after I had a baby than I am now...hmm. Seriously though, so proud of you, I still can't get over it! Good job!!
Hey girly. It was so good seeing you at the Londons run. Good job for running that huge marathon. Hope you guys are doing good. I would love for you to teach me how to make necklaces etc. Have a good day.
Kristina McCray
Awesome job! I knew you could do it! Way to go! You're an inspiration to me!
Awesome. I would love to do a 1/2 some day, but I dont know if I have the guts! Way to go!
SOOOOOO proud of you! What a great accomplishment, aside from the actual physical task. Michael ran a full marathon last year and he said that it was seriously the most mentally tough experience he'd ever had. I'm so proud of you!!!!
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