Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some Random Goodness

In the past little while we have been.......
We ran the Frank Kush 5K at Tempe Town Lakes.
(Lindsay, Syd, Hollin, Summer, Parker, Kanoe, me)
It was a hot October day & I thought it was a hard route...
but it was fun to do it together!

While Auburn & Bryan went out of town, we helped watch their kids.
{#4 kid = Hallee their black cat}
Auburn always talks about how sweet she is... yet she kept HISSING at me.
So I thought I'd get her back by scaring her with this Halloween cat. (same size as her)
THEN, of course I added a BIG ribbon to her neck & she looked so cute.

FALL BREAK consisted of sleepovers & park days & even a day to Scottsdale's Train Park.
That same night the Cummards surprised G-ma & G-pa Cummard by planting LOTS of flowers for them.

Now that Ellie is in school, she wants to do "cool things" like be picked up a few minutes early from school, or have me come to lunch, etc.!! She was begging me to come get her out early, so I bribed her to be extra good- which she was- and I decided to get her out around lunch time one Friday before meeting up with some Riggs cousins.
When I picked her up, I asked her "Do you feel so cool?"..
Ellie smiled & answered "YES!"
I feel like I have been working at the gym (USA GYM) so much lately...
we had our Fall Mini Meet.
I love watching the kids in my program perform, althought it's a bummer that I can hardly watch Ellie perform.
(Ellie was a bit spacey during most of it- we'll have to work on that)

Speaking of my SCHOOL GIRL- Elle loves reading & writing, etc.
One night, I walked in my room to find Ellie pretending to sleep.... and this note on my bed:

Speaking of her love for that...
She told me "Mom, you always write me a note in my lunch, & I never get to make any notes for you". So Elle had me promise to not look at my note until I was eating. I kept my promise & here is what I found at work:
It was really cute!


vicki said...

Ellie has been the sweetest thing since the day she was born. I love her notes!

Alisse Baldwin said...

Oh my goodness, Elle is a WO-man in the pic with her wedges when you got her out of school early. She looks the exact same as when she was a baby, and yet is looking so old lately. Slow down Miss!